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(Italiano) I miei trenta giorni al Ministero, 3° puntata: ANAS/FS un matrimonio ai danni dello Stato

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(Italiano) I miei trenta giorni al Ministero, 2° puntata: ENAV, da ente di assistenza al volo a ente di attività finanziarie

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(Italiano) I miei 30 giorni al Ministero, 1° puntata: l’Aereo di Stato Airbus A340/500

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(Italiano) L’ala Spezzata (2°puntata)

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(Italiano) L’ala Spezzata (1 puntata)

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A success story  To analyze the business success of Ryanair, it is first necessary to define some key concepts that characterize the air transport sector in relation to the process mechanisms. We are dealing with a business model where internal… Continue Reading

Alitalia in Extraordinary Administration: Analysis of the report presented by the board of commissioners to the “Special Commission for urgent acts of the Italian Senate”

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This is the English version of my analysis about Alitalia commissioners management written some week ago for “Poteri Deboli”, Gianni Dragoni blog (www.giannidragoni.it). Gianni Dragoni is one of the most known and appreciated Italian economic journalists. He has been writing… Continue Reading

Hearing in the Senate of the Republic on the Alitalia affairHearing in the Senate of the Republic on the Alitalia affair

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